Make sure you check the labels at the bottom of each post to see where the conference notes are from!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

War Wounds ~ Lessons from the book of Joshua

Battle Plan from the book of Joshua
All of our war wounds have a common trait:
 wrong focus ~ we are focused on ourselves instead of on God)

1. Be strong and very courageous (1:5, 6, 7, 9)
  •  How?

2. Know the S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure) (1:8)           
  • The Bible

3. Know your Leader (1:16)

4. Be an Army of One (servant of God) (1:12-13)
  •  We follow and serve God only
  •  We are not alone- we come together as individuals to serve a common purpose- unity- regardless of our differences

5. Everyone and everything is usable (2)
  • People are flawed-God is not, he can use everyone everything to his purpose (Rahab)
  • We see with our eyes- God sees with His eyes

6. Don’t rest when you’re blessed (1:12-13, 16-18)
  •  Comfort brings complacency, when God brings blessing let it spur you on instead.
  •    Let God lead you out of your comfort zone- and go willingly.

7. Get your feet wet! (3)
  •  Risk and faith go hand in hand. Go where faith takes you. 
  • Trust God to do the miraculous.  God is still the mighty miracle worker he was in Old Testament times. 
  •  We can’t control God (let go of control and need for informed service (knowing the outcome ahead of time)

8. The three R’s: Remember, Rejoice & Reveal (4-5:1)
  •  Rejoice in God’s faithfulness
  •   Remember all He has done for you
  •   Reveal our commitment to God to the enemy

9. Disinfect (5:13-15)
  •  Ego has to be defeated by the One True God
  • 5:14 ~ no excuses, no disclaimers, no limits to what we submit to God, then we are strong in Christ.

10. Extreme Warfare (6)
  •  Don’t be held back by what is rational and reasonable (by the world’s standard)
  • Trust in God-sized solutions (God doesn’t have to show us he is working. Faith is just trusting that He is because He says He is)

11. Don’t give up or give out (6)
  •  It’s ok to be weary, trust God and give him the things that are wearing you out.
  • The joy of the Lord is our strength, even when we can’t feel his strength or comfort and conformation. Be obedient!

12. con-fidence vs. God-fidence (7 &8)
  • Confidence = failure (it’s not about us)
  •  Godfidence=  success (trust in God working through us to complete his plan)

 13.  Act with Integrity (10)
  • Don’t take the easy way out – take responsibility for mistakes

14. The task of God is always greater than an individual in the purposes of God. (13:1)
  • We have to empower the next generation (spiritually, the next person for the next step in the Plan)

15. Faithfulness (14:9)
  •  How long, oh Lord, Must I wait? God’s time is not our time
  •  Faithfulness is how we serve in the waiting
  •  He is always faithful to fulfill his purpose and plan through us.

16. The significance of refuge (20:1)
  • We are pursued by evil, when we cannot take any more, God will provide refuge (people, Scripture, home)
  • Times of rest are times of stepping away, not stepping completely out

17. recall the 5 laws (22)
1. Love the Lord your God- head knowledge and obedience to love that  controls our entire  being
2. Obey His commands- day by day, moment by moment, choose to use God’s power
3. Hold fast to God- He does not intend fo us to go alone. He is always with us, we have to reach for   him and not let go
4. serve with all your heart and soul- when it hurts and tears us apart, God will bless us in eternal ways
5.  (I missed this one.. SORRY!)

18.  Take care of relationships (22:6-34)
  • Rash judgments cause negativity that is unfounded, brings disunity, discontent and hurt
  • Don’t judge- respond with humility and a heart that seeks truth

19. Take time to assess (23)
  • 23:14 ~ stop to think if we are on track with God

20. PRAISE GOD (24:27)

Calluses, Blisters & Fungus: Oh My!

Calluses, Blisters & Fungus: Oh My!
Protecting our feet from war wounds

Section 1 ~ Calluses

Definition:  A hardened area

Caused by: irritation, pressure, friction

Do I have a callus? 

Do these affect my ability to carry the Good News? When I am hardened God can not use me.

Section 2 ~ Blisters

Definition: A raw spot (tender)

Caused by: friction, repetitiveness, hot & cold (being under fire or the cold shoulder), chemical exposure (opposing views), irritation

Do I have blisters? 

Blisters leave us open to infection. We get hurt so we disconnect.

Section 3  ~ Fungus

Definition: contagious, spreading germs that cause disease

Caused by: availability of a warm, dark place

Do I have fungi?

Occurs when our defenses are down, moves on to stinking thinking, then gossip, and ultimately to disunity.

Cycle looks like this:

Starts out feeling included
Something doesn't feel right (gossip, strife, or disunity)
Cover it Up, Hide it (no truth in love)
Things have to be cleaned up

This was just a general overview of things to be watchful for. As with any of these issues, if you notice one starting to develop, you have to stop it immediately.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Expanding on the conference

I am trying to get my notes from Beth Moore typed up so I can get them entered on here. There are so many and I was all over the place trying to keep up so it is hard for me to sort them out. I consider that a good problem!

I am also heading to Hearts at Home next weekend, so I will be adding all my notes from breakouts as well.

Finally, I have some notes from a volunteer breakaway that I went to for my work (I work at my local crisis pregnancy center, and every year, the centers in our area create a day conference for all the wonderful volunteers that serve so that they can be refreshed) so I will be adding that one as well.

I am blessed each and every time to be allowed these times away to focus on God. I know that not everyone has that blessing, so I hope that God will lead them my little blogference blog.   I know what it is to be desperate for a Word, some refreshing, or just to know that I am not alone and that yes, God sees me. If I can use this blog to offer any of those things, I consider this the BEST use of my time and energy!

Keep checking back!
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