Make sure you check the labels at the bottom of each post to see where the conference notes are from!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Expanding on the conference

I am trying to get my notes from Beth Moore typed up so I can get them entered on here. There are so many and I was all over the place trying to keep up so it is hard for me to sort them out. I consider that a good problem!

I am also heading to Hearts at Home next weekend, so I will be adding all my notes from breakouts as well.

Finally, I have some notes from a volunteer breakaway that I went to for my work (I work at my local crisis pregnancy center, and every year, the centers in our area create a day conference for all the wonderful volunteers that serve so that they can be refreshed) so I will be adding that one as well.

I am blessed each and every time to be allowed these times away to focus on God. I know that not everyone has that blessing, so I hope that God will lead them my little blogference blog.   I know what it is to be desperate for a Word, some refreshing, or just to know that I am not alone and that yes, God sees me. If I can use this blog to offer any of those things, I consider this the BEST use of my time and energy!

Keep checking back!

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