Make sure you check the labels at the bottom of each post to see where the conference notes are from!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

RefresHer Notes

First Session ~ Special Speaker Cindy Winters

Cindy shared her testimony of the day her husband was shot. Although it has only been 8 months since his death, she is amazingly passionate about glorifying God through this entire situation. Her main focus is to truly get us to understand that life can change in the blink of an eye, and it will be in a way that you could have never been prepared for.

She asked us to honestly look at our trust and faith in God.

We can learn all that the Bible holds, but the question we have to ask ourselves is, “Do we know Jesus?” learning and knowing are two different things.

We can not trust what we do not know.

When we passionately pursue knowing Jesus, then on the days that we have nothing left, when life had hit us with it’s best and all we have left is the strength for one word, calling the name of Jesus will be enough.

We didn’t do this song, but I wanted to share the reminder

First Session ~ Main Speaker Shelley Switzer ~ The Daily Grind

1 Kings 19:1-18

Daily Grind: Something routine or monotonous

Grind: to wear down, to oppress, to crush, to annoy or irk

What causes the daily grind?

1) People
2) Perspective

Elijah had just called the power of God into action before a large crowd of unbelievers. His faith was such that he could taunt them about the powerlessness of their gods because he was 100% sure of the power of his God.

When we meet him in the beginning of Chapter nineteen, he is basically whining to God that life is too hard and that no one loves him and that he wants to (the equivalent of) “just DIE!”

How could that faith become “the daily grind”?

  •  Satan will use people in your life to drive you to the “enough” point. There is nothing you can do about it. You can’t control people, what they say, what they do. He can even use your relationships with those in your inner circle (i.e. spouse, kids, friends)
1 Kings 16:31, 18:21, 18:39
  • Only God can change people. If our perspective is heavenward, we are prepared for the people.
    (When we are worn down *emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and/or physically, we easily get to the “enough” point)
How can we keep our perspective right?

  • Mark 12:28-31 Is God first?

    • The Greek word for first means priority. Is God the priority in every aspect of our lives, or are there areas that God doesn’t own? Loving God takes priority over all.
      • Colossians 3:1-4 Christ is our life
      It is much easier to start the day with God and get our hearts in the right place, to be prepared for what may come, then to try to play catch up later, after Satan has attacked.

      • 1 Kings 19:11-14 Be still before God
      Sometimes God brings the storms, to see if we will stand still and wait for him to lead us. Will we stand while the winds blow? Will we stand while the ground shakes? Will we stand in the fire and trust that we will not be burned?

      Elijah did not move until God told him to. When God finally called him, it wasn’t with a shout. (vs.12) God moved Elijah with a “gentle whisper” (NIV)

      God asked Elijah, “What are you doing here”? In essence, why are ya over here whining and feeling sorry for yourself?

      God had Elijah go “back the way he came”. He took Elijah back past all the markers of His faithfulness to Elijah. Elijah had to go back the way he had come, because he was so stuck in the daily grind, that he needed the reminders of what all God had done for him.

      We need to do the same. When was the last time I looked at all of the ways, big and small, that God has been so faithful, so good to me?

      Like Elijah, we want to cut and run when things go wrong or we don’t get our way.

      “That’s not fair!” really means, “I didn’t get my way”. God never, NEVER said that life would be fair. He literally tells us that following him will be HARD!

      Isn’t it so worth it?

      We are not allowed to quit. When the going gets hard, we can’t quit. We can’t leave. It’s not biblical.

      We are called to raise up the next generation. That isn’t just about age. There is a generation of Christians coming behind me and they may be 5, 15 or 50. It is my calling from God to take them, mentor them, raise them up and prepare them to do the same for the generation behind them! God equips each of us with unique gifts, talents and abilities. It takes a whole church to raise up the next generation.

      I CAN’T QUIT. Galatians 6:9

      GOD doesn’t call me to quit. He calls me to trust Him and continue on fighting the good fight.

      This wasn’t one of the songs we sang, but I thought it fit well here.

      In case you ever wondered, this is one of my top three all time favorites. The fact that we sang it was such a blessing to me on a very personal, Holy Spirit level.

      Session 2 ~ Main Speaker Shelley Switzer ~ Thermometer or Thermostat?

      Thermometer ~ Tells the condition of it’s surroundings
      Thermostat ~ Changes the environment

      Philippians 4:4-7 (Paul was DEFINITELY a thermostat!) This was written while he was in prison, literally chained to the body of the enemy!

      • Rejoice IN THE LORD, not the circumstances. God is always good. Always. Again, ALWAYS! The circumstances can be ripping your heart out, but God is still good, and God is still in control. He is ALWAYS worthy to be praised.
      What does always mean? Always. There is never a time when he will not be worthy.

      • When we get to heaven, the more we have known of God here will make that arrival that much sweeter. This life really is the dress rehearsal, but if we work really hard, and strive to know as much of God as we can cram into this life (and there will never be a time when we know it all, when we completely know HIM) How much greater the joy when we get to our true home! Keep the right perspective!
      Thank God first! No matter what, our gratitude should be higher than anything. God wants to know our needs, our wants and our desires, but first we have to be thankful for what he has already provided.


      If we are in a place of thankfulness, our heart is ready to receive whatever answer God is prepared to give us. Even if it is the one we would have given anything NOT to get. (1 Thessalonians 5:16)
      • James 1:2-4 Be real in your responses to others. If something is going wrong, admit it! If you are struggling, admit it! But test yourself with this scripture, can you truly rejoice in any situation? (Do you have the proper perspective)
      Quote given:
      If you can identify the crosses in your life, and embrace them as blessings, then God’s work is being done in you.
       (she did not give a credit name)

      • Philippians 1:6 God will not stop until we get the lessons he is teaching. He is infinitely patient.
      Trials refine us as silver. He will continue to send us through the fire, bring the dross to the top and flick it away, until the day that he sees his perfect reflection in us. God knows just how hot to make the fire in our life. It will never be too hot if we are in him (do we have the proper perspective?) These trials are more evidence of his love for us. Trials are opportunities to cling tighter, grow closer, to our amazing Lord.

      • Philippians 4:11-13
      Contentment doesn’t come naturally. It is all a learning process.

      Faith, hope, joy, love, patience, endurance, rejoicing… we must learn it all and learn that it is all through Christ.
      • Philippians 1:12
        “Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.” (NIV)
      Paul wanted them to know that even while in prison, there are opportunities to further the gospel. There is never a time when we can not glorify God and continue his work thru us.

      • Philippians 4:22
      We can influence those that would hold us back from God’s calling on our life. Through a changed perspective, a changed attitude, a changed heart, a growing faith.

      Paul sent greetings from the Saints in Caesar’s household! He was bringing Christ to the enemy and they were receiving him!


      Matthew 6:8-11

      Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
      "This, then, is how you should pray:  'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come,  your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. (NIV)

      We only need enough for today. Don’t worry about tomorrow. (6:34) God will have it covered then. We need what we need for today. The rest are wants. God supplies all our needs.

      What do I need?

      Strength? Passion? Dedication? Endurance? Hope? Belief?

      What do I need to let go of?

      She had us draw a cross on a piece of paper, and then over the cross we were to write something that we needed to give to God, to let go of. I encourage you to do that in your time of prayer as well, or perhaps while the last song plays.

      Finally, because I love each of you so very much… I want to leave a final encouragement…The song is a little older, but it’s still 100% true.

      Thank you for being my rock, my crutch, my boot in the butt, my crying shoulder, and just my place to land. God is so good to me to give me these friendships.

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